For Lawyers

Michael Moore will help you create a customized Personal Development Plan. This becomes your guide to professional success.

Watch this video for a brief summary of how you can create a road map for your future.


Many lawyers don’t plan their careers. Trained to be in control of every situation, the typical lawyer personality often regards asking for help as a sign of weakness. As a result, many lawyers simply let their careers drift and respond as best they can.

Working with a legal coach is like having a personal trainer for your career. Monthly one-on-one meetings will monitor your progress. Each legal coaching session typically lasts 60 minutes and helps you sustain the momentum necessary for professional achievement and personal growth.

Michael Moore can help you maximize your potential. You have invested a substantial amount of time and money to acquire the education and skills necessary to make a living as a lawyer. Professional legal coaching increases the return on that investment. After your family and your health, your career is one of the most critical elements in your life. An investment in your career has the potential to return more value to you than any other investment you will make.